Workersʹ Compensation:

If you are hurt at work, whether you return to work or not, you may need an attorney to be sure that you receive the proper benefits you are entitled to under NYS Workersʹ Compensation Law. Whether you work for a big company, or a small one, you cannot rely on your employerʹs insurance Carrier to advise you of your rights and benefit entitlement, as they work for your employer, not you. You need to be sure your rights are protected. 

The laws are continually changing within the Workers' Compensation System.  The institution of the Medical Treatment Guidelines and the push by the Board to limit how long a claimant can receive benefits has made it more important than ever to have legal representation.

If you are under the age of 25 when you are injured, the issue of minor's wage expectancy must be considered but a Carrier will not raise the issue.  This, among many other reasons, makes attorney representation important to any Workers' Compensation case. 

If you or anyone you know has been hurt at work, be sure to call us to discuss the specifics of your case.

Injured Workers Bar Association

NYS Workersʹ Compensation Board